Travel Altars & Altar Tables
The word altar has varying definitions in different contexts. In the context of Witchcraft, an altar is generally a Witch’s workspace. A Witches altar serves as a focal point for magical activity. It provides a dedicated space to perform spells and ceremonies with tools easily at hand.
Altar Blessing
Wave your Hands over your Altar While Chanting:
From the Mystic Light of the night to fertile foundations of the Earth
On the shores of the deepest waters
Out of hopes and dreams, On the wings of wine
Of light and inspiration, With the inner flame that kindles within
Divine spark and gleam, back to light from darkness
For manifestation swiftly fulfilled, Moves the unseen to be seen
By the Light of the Moon, The shining stars & the burning sun
By the Gods, The Goddesses and the Ancient Ones
Bless’d be this Altar
And all here on, Good for all
And harming none